@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009723, author = {シカタ, マサタカ and シノハラ, カズヤ and フタムラ, ゲンキ and タカギ, ハツヨ and イシイ, ヨシカズ and タニムラ, アツコ and Shikata, Masataka and Shinohara, Kazuya and Futamura, Genki and Takagi, Hatsuyo and Ishii, Yoshikazu and Tanimura, Atsuko and 鹿田, 将隆 and 篠原, 和也 and 二村, 元気 and 髙木, 初代 and 石井, 良和 and 谷村, 厚子}, issue = {1}, journal = {作業行動研究}, month = {}, note = {筆者らは,地域在住要支援・要介護高齢者の作業同一性を聴取するための作業同一性質問紙(Occupational Identity Questionnaire;OIQ)を作成した.本研究の目的は,このOIQの臨床上の有用性として,OIQによる対象者の作業同一性の解釈の可能性,およびOIQの結果を用いた介入が対象者に及ぼす影響を検討することである.対象者は要支援・要介護高齢者3名で,作業療法士による介入が少なくとも週に1回,20分以上実施され,その期間は約3か月間であった.その結果,対象者3名の作業同一性,作業参加,日常生活活動,および,健康関連QOLに,OIQの影響と考えられる維持や改善がみられた.したがって,OIQは対象者の作業同一性をとらえることができ,作業を中心とした実践に有用であると考えられた., The Occupational Identity Questionnaire (OIQ) was developed to assess the occupational identity of the elderly who need support and care in the community. The purpose of this study was to examine the clinical utility of OIQ from two points: the possibility of interpreting the participants’ occupational identity using the OIQ and the effect of intervention using the OIQ results.Three participants were recruited; two used outpatient rehabilitation, and one used home-visit rehabilitation. The duration of the intervention study was approximately three months, with intervention by an occupational therapist at least once a week for 20 minutes. The results indicated that the OIQ had a general positive effect on the maintenance and improvement of occupational identity. Further, participants’ activities of daily living and health-related quality of life also improved. These cases studied, suggests that the OIQ was useful to be utilized in an occupation-centered practice., postprint, 東京都立大学学位論文甲第1150号 副論文}, pages = {38--47}, title = {作業同一性質問紙の臨床的有用性の検討 : 地域在住要支援・要介護高齢者の3事例を通して}, volume = {25}, year = {2021} }