@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009112, author = {KARUBE, Haruki and KISHIMOTO, Toshio and MORI, Hideaki and 苅部, 治紀 and 岸本, 年郎 and 森, 英章}, issue = {47}, journal = {小笠原研究 = Ogasawara research}, month = {Feb}, note = {北硫黄島の昆虫は、2001、2003年の調査により50種が記録されたのみであったが、2019年6月の総合学術調査において124種が記録された。過去の標本も再調査し、総種数は141種となった。91種が同島新記録(49種は火山列島初、うち8種は小笠原諸島初、南硫黄島固有とされていた種も含む)で、同島の記録種数が火山列島で最大となった。南硫黄島で欠如する陸水環境等の存在によりトンボ目などが生息する一方、海鳥の絶滅により、死体に依存する昆虫は乏しい。硫黄島と共通のハチの外来種が確認されており、硫黄島の外来種の影響を受けている可能性が示唆される。小笠原群島に分布し火山列島から欠如する昆虫には、タマムシ類、ハナノミ類などが挙げられる。, Insect fauna on Kita-iwoto Island has been only recorded 50 species from short-term insect surveys conducted in 2001 and 2003. On the Kita-iwoto Island Scientific Research Project on June 18-23, 2019, the survey was conducted and attempted to identify the insect fauna on Kita-iwoto Island. In this survey, 124 species were recorded and 91 species were newly recorded in Kita-iwoto Island. Forty-nine species were recorded for the first time in the Volcano Islands, eight of which were first records on Ogasawara Islands. Among them, some species described as endemic to Minami-iwoto Island were included, and it was revealed that they were also distributed to Kita-iwoto Island. To summarize the all records, 141 species have been recorded on Kita-iwoto Island. It was the largest species record in Volcano Islands compared to Minami-iwoto Island, which has the similar altitude and cloud forest. Insect fauna on Kita-iwoto Island compared to Minami-iwoto Island has the following features. Odonata and some flesh water species inhabit inland water that does not exist in Minami-iwoto Island. On the other hand, seabirds that lived in high density on Minami-iwoto Island were extinct due to the predation by the rat, and a lot of insect species that depended on the carcass of seabirds could not be confirmed. As a distinct alien wasp species which has settled on Iwoto Island, has been recorded again since 2003. In addition, Buprestidae, Mordellidae, and Lucanidae are examples of taxa lacking as both Kita-iwoto Island and Minami-iwoto Island, although they are representative insects that are highly endemic in the Ogasawara Islands.}, pages = {101--145}, title = {北硫黄島の昆虫相とその特性}, year = {2021} }