@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008453, author = {カツマタ, ヤスキ and タケイ, ヒトシ and ハヤシ, ヒロアキ and イチカワ, カズナ and KATSUMATA, Yasuki and TAKEI, Hitoshi and HAYASHI, Hiroaki and ICHIKAWA, Kazuna and 勝又, 泰貴 and 竹井, 仁 and 林, 洋暁 and 市川, 和奈}, issue = {2}, journal = {理学療法科学}, month = {}, note = {〔目的〕超音波画像を用いた筋膜移動距離と筋硬度測定の検者内および検者間信頼性を検討した.〔対象と方法〕対象者は,整形外科的既往のない健常成人10名20肢とした.腓腹筋外側頭部の,他動的な足関節背屈運動時の浅層および深層筋膜の移動距離と足関節0°位の筋硬度を超音波診断装置にて測定し,4日後に再度測定した.〔結果〕いずれも級内相関係数がalmost perfect(0.81~1.00)であり,Bland-Altman分析の結果,加算誤差,比例誤差を認めなかった.最小可検変化量の95%信頼区域は,検者内信頼性の浅層が0.24 mm,深層が0.34 mm,筋硬度が5.94,検者間信頼性の浅層が0.08 mm,深層が0.10 mm,筋硬度が1.54であった.〔結語〕本法による4日後の検者内・検者間信頼性は,ともに高いことが示唆された., [Purpose] We aimed to examine the intra- and inter-rater reliabilities of measurements for fascial displacement and muscle stiffness by ultrasound image. [Subjects and Methods]We observed lower limbs of 10 healthy individuals (20 limbs) with no medical history of orthopedic disease. We measured moving distances of the superficial and deep layers of fascia in the lateral head of the gastrocnemius during passive dorsal flexion and muscle stiffness at the ankle joint in the zero degree position by ultrasound, and we measured same items again after four days. [Results]For all measurements, the intraclass correlation coefficients were “almost perfect (0.81—1.00)” and there were no fixed and proportional biases for intra- and inter-rater reliabilities. The 95% confidence interval for the minimum detectable change (MDC95) for the superficial and deep layers were 0.24 mm and 0.34 mm, respectively, and for the muscle stiffness was 5.94 for the intra-rater reliability. With regard to inter-rater reliability, MDC95 for the superficial and deep layers were 0.08 mm and 0.10 mm, respectively, and for muscle stiffness was 1.54. [Conclusion]Both intra- and inter-rater reliabilities after four days of this measure method were indicated to be high., postprint, 首都大学東京学位論文乙第213号副論文}, pages = {215--220}, title = {超音波画像を用いた筋膜移動距離と筋硬度測定の検者内および検者間信頼性}, volume = {32}, year = {2017} }