@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008444, author = {ミトモ, ショウ and イチカワ, カズナ and ウサ, ヒデユキ and オガワ, ダイスケ and フルヤ, ヒデタカ and タケイ, ヒトシ and MITOMO, Sho and ICHIKAWA, Kazuna and USA, Hideyuki and OGAWA, Daisuke and FURUYA, Hidetaka and TAKEI, Hitoshi and 見供, 翔 and 市川, 和奈 and 宇佐, 英幸 and 小川, 大輔 and 古谷, 英孝 and 竹井, 仁}, issue = {6}, journal = {理学療法科学}, month = {}, note = {〔目的〕中殿筋各線維間の異なる作用を明らかにすることとした.〔対象と方法〕健常男性(平均年齢22~34歳)とした.運動課題は30%最大随意収縮の強度での異なる方向への静止性股関節外転運動(1:外転,2:外転+屈曲,3:外転+伸展)とした.運動課題前後の中殿筋各線維の筋厚と筋腱移行部距離は超音波画像から計測し,ぞれぞれの変化率を算出した.〔結果〕筋厚に関して中殿筋前部線維は課題2で,中殿筋後部線維は課題3で有意に高い変化率を示した.筋腱移行部距離変化率は筋厚変化率と同様の結果を示した.〔結語〕中殿筋前部線維は股関節外転作用に加えて屈曲作用を,中殿筋後部線維は伸展作用を有していることが示唆された., [Purpose] To analyze differences in action between fibers of the gluteus medius. [Subjects and Methods] The subjects were healthy males aged 22–34 years. The motor task was 30% maximum voluntary isometric hip abduction contraction in different directions (1, abduction; 2, abduction + flexion; 3, abduction + extension). Muscle thickness and distance of the muscle–tendon junction were measured using ultrasonography, and their rates of change were calculated. [Results] The rate of change in muscle thickness of the anterior and posterior gluteus medius was significantly higher in tasks 2 and 3, respectively. The rate of change in the distance of the muscle–tendon junction was the same as the rate of change in muscle thickness. [Conclusion] Anterior gluteus medius fibers participate in flexion in addition to abduction, and posterior gluteus medius fibers participate in extension in addition to abduction., 首都大学東京学位論文甲第959号副論文}, pages = {869--874}, title = {異なる運動方向への静止性股関節外転収縮が中殿筋前・中・後部線維の筋厚および筋腱移行部距離に及ぼす影響 : 超音波画像診断装置を用いた検討}, volume = {32}, year = {2017} }