@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008114, author = {ナリタ, リョウ and Narita, Ryo and 成田, 凌}, journal = {社会学論考}, month = {Dec}, note = {本稿の目的は,「Uターンを画策しているにもかかわらず実現していない」地方出身首都圏在住者の現状を描出し,理解することである.ともに青森県出身の「一組の夫婦」を事例として,各々のUターンに対する意識や態度の変容,および夫婦間での意見調整に着目し,分析と考察をおこなった.結果は次のとおりである.二人とも将来的なUターンは念頭にあったが,現在Uターンを見据えて実際に動き始めていたのは帰郷意識の強い夫ではなく,Uターンに否定的な態度を示している妻の方だった.この夫婦は結婚前から,将来的な青森へのUターン/東京への定着について主張し合ってきた.だが,現在は夫のみが就業していることもあり,最終的には妻が「譲歩」する形で居住地の選択がおこなわれることが推察される.現在,国や地方自治体では人口の流入増加・定着のために,雇用の創出や住宅購入補助などの支援制度の充実が図られている.しかし,この夫婦においては,それらの利用を検討する前の段階で,Uターンすること自体への葛藤や意見調整の困難などを抱えていた.したがって,今後求められるのは,現時点における帰郷意識・態度やUターン可能性の高低にかかわらず,同じ悩みや問題関心を有する地方出身首都圏在住者の存在を可視化するような認識枠組み(=「潜在的還流者」)と,彼ら/彼女らが知り合い,つながることができるような仕組みづくりだと考えられる., The purpose of this paper is to depict the conflicts of couples living in the Tokyo metropolitan area who plan to return to their hometowns in the future. I analyzed the case of a couple originally from Aomori Prefecture who had relocated to Tokyo. Each individual had a different attitude about returning to their hometown. The husband said he really wanted to return Aomori Prefecture, but was not yet ready to actively prepare for the move. His wife did not want to return there at all, but could be ready and prepared to return. In this case, though they each had different attitudes about the positive or negative aspects of returning to their hometown, they both assumed that eventually they would do so. However, only her husband is currently employed. Therefore, in the end, the husband's intention will be given priority and the residence will be selected. From the above, the following points are suggested: In Japan, support in finding housing and employment is available to those moving from the Tokyo metropolitan area to non-metropolitan areas. However, the people who are actually eligible for the support are often not prepared to start the moving process in the near future, and therefore are unable to take advantage of the system designed to assist them. Accessing the relocation support becomes even more complex when each individual has a different opinion about when they will be ready to leave, and a different attitude about the move itself. Therefore, to increase access of the support available to couples, it will be necessary to identify the reasons behind their different intentions and attitudes. And I argue that it is important to recognize that there are urban migrants who return to their hometowns., postprint}, pages = {21--44}, title = {地方出身首都圏在住者のUターンを取り巻く諸問題 : ある夫婦にみる帰郷意識・態度変容とジェンダー}, volume = {40}, year = {2019} }