@misc{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007882, author = {オノ, タカズミ and 小野, 敬済}, month = {Mar}, note = {障がい高齢者において身体・心理・社会的要因と外出方法の関連性を明らかにすることを目的として、要支援・要介護高齢者を対象とした質問紙調査を実施した。外出を徒歩による外出と公共交通機関による外出の2つに分け、それぞれに対して、外出していない(非実施)、介護者の付添いで外出している(付添い)、1人で外出している(自立)の3群を設定し、身体的要因、心理的要因、社会的要因を比較した。その結果、徒歩による外出においては、非実施から付添いへの移行には下肢筋力と歩行関連自己効力感の向上が影響し、非実施から自立への移行には下肢筋力と歩行関連自己効力感の向上に加えて、歩行速度とバランス能力の向上も影響することが示唆された。公共交通機関による外出は歩行速度の向上によって非実施から自立に変化することが示唆された。一方で、家族ネットワークの拡大は自立から非実施への変化と関連することが示唆された。, [Objective] The objective of the present study was to clarify the relationships between community mobility and physical, psychological, and social factors in older adults with disabilities.[Method] One hundred thirteen older adults with disabilities at four outpatient rehabilitation facilities participated in the present study. We measured community mobility and physical, psychological, and social factors. Community mobility was divided into walking in a community (WC) and mobility by public transportation (MPT). For WC and MPT, we set out three options: non-outing, with companions, or independent. Physical factors were gait speed, the 30-sec chair-stand test (30CS), and the functional reach test (FRT), psychological factors were the modified Gait Efficacy Scale (mGES) and the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15), and social factors were the Lubben Social Network Scale family items (Lubben-Family) and friend items (Lubben-Friends). For statistical analysis, logistic regression analyses were conducted for WC and MPT separately. Independent variables were physical, psychological, and social factors, and the dependent variable was WC or MPT. The regression analyses were carried out in two pairs: between non-outing and with companions, and between non-outing and independent.[Results] Regarding WC, the regression analysis demonstrated that 30CS and mGES were related to both WC with companions and independent WC. Regarding MPT, Gait speed and Lubben-Family were related to independent MPT according to the regression analysis.[Conclusion] For WC, 30CS and mGES were positively related to both WC with companions and independent WC. In order to acquire independent WC. For MPT, gait speed was positively related to independent MPT,and the family network was negatively related to independent MPT. Thus, improvement of gait speed and optimization of family networks is needed for independent MPT. On the other hand, the factors related to MPT with companions were not clarified in present study, and further studies are needed., 首都大学東京, 2019-03-25, 修士(理学療法学)}, title = {要支援・要介護高齢者の外出方法に関連する身体・心理・社会的要因の調査研究}, year = {2019} }