@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007158, author = {タテヤマ, キヨミ and ヤマダ, タカシ and シミズ, ヒサヨ and 立山, 清美 and 山田, 孝 and 清水, 寿代}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本保健科学学会誌}, month = {}, note = {本研究は,日本版の青年・成人前期向けの感覚調整障害を評価する質問紙の開発を最終的な目的とし,その質問項目の選定への示唆を得るために,JSI-Rを大学生および専門学校生120名に実施した.その結果,前庭感覚・触覚・固有受容感覚では,幼児期よりも大学生および専門学校生の方が出現率の低い項目が多く,聴覚・視覚・嗅覚・味覚では,大学生および専門学校生の方が出現率の高い項目が多かった.その要因として,前者では年齢や成長により楽しめる活動や感覚探求の行動が変化していること,聴覚・視覚・嗅覚・味覚は回答者が自覚しやすく,チェックがつきやすいことが考えられ,日常生活に支障をきたすくらいになど,基準を示す必要性が示唆された., The purpose of this study is to develop an evaluation for Sensory modulation disorders affecting adolescents and adults. This Japanese Sensory Inventory Revised (JSI-R) research was conducted across 120 university and college students to help determine the questions in the evaluation form. As a result, young adults (university students and college people) have shown lower appearance rate than early childhood in the vestibular, tactile and proprioceptive sensation, and they also have higher appearance rate than early childhood in the senses of hearing, sight, smell and taste. It is considered that this difference is caused by changes in their preferred activities and sensory seeking behaviors due to their age and growth. Also they can be more aware of the sense of auditory, visual, smell, and taste in this age group and thus it is easier for them to check these items. Therefore, it is suggested that more sensitive standards have to be implemented to show how much it actually interferes with their daily lives., postprint, 首都大学東京学位論文 副論文}, pages = {231--239}, title = {青年・成人前期用感覚チェックリスト作成に関する予備的研究 : 大学生・専門生を対象としたJSI-R(日本版感覚インべントリー改訂版)の特徴}, volume = {15}, year = {2013} }