@misc{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006220, author = {タケザワ, ミホ and 竹澤, 美穂}, month = {Mar}, note = {【目的】右骨盤前方挙上筋群の抵抗運動(以下,右RSCAE)による下行性の遠隔効果と左足関節底屈筋群の抵抗運動(以下,左CRSC)による交叉性教育における負荷量の差異が,右ヒラメ筋H反射の経時的変化に及ぼす神経生理学的効果を検証した.【方法】健常成人16名に,抵抗運動(右RSCAE・左CRSC)×負荷量(軽負荷・重負荷)の4通りの組み合わせを無作為に行わせ,右ヒラメ筋H反射を経時的に計測した.H/Mmaxを指標とし,四元配置分散分析と多重比較検定を行った.【結果】抵抗運動と時間間に交互作用を認め,右RSCAEと比較し左CRSCの抵抗運動時において有意なH/Mmaxの増大を認めた.しかし,両抵抗運動後にH/Mmaxの漸減傾向を示した.【結論】交叉性教育の方が抵抗運動時の促通効果が大きく,抵抗運動後に緩徐な抑制効果をもたらすことが示唆された., Introduction: When direct approach is difficult to use for improving the active and passive range of motion of severely restricted joints because of agonist muscle pain or weakness, indirect approaches can be useful in clinical practice. Indirect approaches often use a resistive static contraction of the pelvic anterior elevators (RSCAE) as descending effects or a contralateral resistive static contraction (CRSC) as Cross-education. Purpose: The purpose of this study was compare the neurophysiological remote effect and after-effects of right RSCAE and CRSC with different degrees of load on the unexercised soleus H-reflex. Methods: Ordering effects were controlled for by randomizing the order of the resistive static contraction (RSCAE and CRSC) with different degrees of load [light (10%) or heavy (30%)] for each of the 16 normal subjects. The right soleus H-reflex was measured at rest (condition-BE), during resistive static contraction phase (condition-DE), and rest phase after resistive static contraction (condition-AE). Each H-reflex amplitude was normalized to the corresponding maximum M-waves (Mmax) and H-reflexes, which was expressed as the ratio of H/Mmax. Results: The results of four-way analysis of variance showed significant interaction between the resistive static contraction and the H/Mmax time course. Post-hoc analysis revealed that CRSC in condition-DE showed significantly greater effects on H-reflex than RSCAE in condition-DE. However, inhibitory effects occurred as remote after-effects in condition-AE compared to those in both CRSC and RSCAE in condition-BE. Conclusion: These results indicated that CRSC induced contralateral effects act as Cross-education on the soleus H-reflex, which initially caused a reflexive facilitation during CRSC followed by a gradual inhibition after CRSC., 首都大学東京, 2017-03-25, 修士(理学療法学)}, title = {負荷量を考慮した下部体幹筋群の静止性収縮と下肢筋群の静止性収縮が非運動肢のヒラメ筋H反射に及ぼす影響}, year = {2017} }