@misc{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006219, author = {タカハシ, サトアキ and 髙橋, 慧朗}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は,三次元動作解析装置を用いて背臥位における頚部と上肢肢位の操作が局所換気量とFRCに与える影響を検証することとした.健常若年成人男性15名を対象とし,背臥位にて頚部中間位と回旋60°位,上肢外転10°と90°と135°位を組み合わせ6肢位にて安静呼吸を行った.1回換気量(VT),部位別換気量のVTに対する割合,FRC,および部位別FRCを従属変数として,頚部と上肢の二要因にて二元配置分散分析を行った.VTと部位別換気量のVTに対する割合,およびFRCに各要因による主効果と交互作用はみられなかった.部位別FRCは上肢の主効果を認め,上肢外転10°に比べ,135°では下部胸郭右側で0.46L,下部胸郭左側で0.41LそれぞれFRCが有意に増大した.以上より,頚部と上肢肢位はVTと各部位の換気量には影響を与えないものの,下部胸郭のFRCを増大させることで下葉の無気肺などの介入に有用である可能性が示唆された., [Introduction] The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of laterally asymmetrical positions in the supine posture on regional tidal volume (VT) and functional residual capacity (FRC) in healthy subjects by using a three-dimensional motion analyzer. [Methods] Fifteen healthy subjects (21 ± 2 years) participated in this study. The neck positions included neutral (control) and 60° left rotation (N60). The right shoulder positions included 10° (control), 90° (S90), and 135° (S135) abduction. The subjects performed quiet breathing through a pneumotachometer, and thoracoabdominal motion was analyzed by using a three-dimensional motion analyzer. The trunk was divided into 2 (right and left) and 3 sections (upper thorax, lower thorax, and abdomen). VT, regional VT, FRC, and regional FRC were calculated by using the Excel VBA program for the supine posture. VT, the proportion of regional volume to VT (VTprop), FRC, and regional FRC were analyzed by using two-way analysis of variance (neck X shoulder position). Tukey test was performed when significant effects were observed. [Results] VT, VTprop, FRC, and some regional FRCs did not have any significant effects (p > .05). Significant effects of the shoulder on the regional FRC were observed in the right (p = .011) and left lower thoraxes (p = .068). At S135, regional FRC was significantly higher than that at the control position on the right (0.46 L, p = .011) and left sides (0.41 L, p = .055). No interactions were found among VT, VTprop, FRC, and regional FRC (p < .05). [Conclusion] VT, regional volume, VTprop, and FRC were not affected by neck and shoulder positions. The regional FRC of the lower thorax was higher than that of the control at S135. This finding may be useful for preventing diseases such as atelectasis in the lower thorax., 首都大学東京, 2017-03-25, 修士(理学療法学)}, title = {背臥位での頚部と上肢肢位が胸郭腹部局所の換気量とFRCに与える影響}, year = {2017} }