@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005892, author = {Hagai, Masami and 羽貝, 正美}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {}, note = {本稿は、「平成の大合併」と称される全国的規模の自治体再編が進行するなか、基礎自治体(市町村)がいかなる課題に直面しているのかについて、1995年に始動する地方分権改革に今一度立ちかえり、2004年までの議論を鳥瞰することを通して、これを抽出することを目的としている。具体的には、地方分権改革初期の段階で提示された「分権型社会」という「新しい社会」像と、分権改革の過程で前面に出てくる「新しい基礎自治体」というビジョンに注目し、両者がどのように連関しているのか、またいかに関連づけて捉える必要があるのかについて検討した。考察を通して、住民自治の充実という課題が1995年以来常に自治体の課題であり続けていること、また地域自治制度の法制化に伴って、この地域自治組織の導入と定着が「協働型社会」を包み込んだ「分権型社会」の創造を左右しうることを確認した。併せて、そうした住民自治の再構築を前提とする「新しい社会」が「新しい基礎自治体」の形成に不可欠であることを導くとともに、基礎自治体にとっての課題を整理した。, The local Government system in Japan is under a great reform, today. Especially, the municipalities are going through a nation wide reorganization. The number of municipalities, which was 3232 in 1999, is expected to be reduced to 1822 by the end of March 2006. This is one of the most important results of a local government reform which started in 1995. In this situation, what is the fundamental problem that faces the municipalities ? This article aims to clarify this problem by focusing on two visions of reform, namely a vision of a new society and a vision of a new local government. The former attaches great importance to citizen participation in public administration or local politics, and partnership (collaboration) between citizens (or NPOs) and administration. On the other hand, the latter emphasizes the expansion of competences and finances. At the same time, it demands the efforts of the municipalities to pursue the economy with efficiency and effectiveness. The Central Government concluded that the reorganization of municipalities, namely the merger, would be an inevitable step for this. How are these visions related to each other ? From which point of view shoud we consider this relationship? We can find an important clue in the citizen participation system at the community level which was recently written into the law. It is expected that this system will reactivate the local autonomy and the local government itself. The most important problem that faces the municipalities is to introduce and develop this system in the various communities. By doing this, the municipalities would be able to create a new society which supports or controls the new local government., postprint}, pages = {89--102}, title = {「新しい社会」像と「新しい基礎自治体」像 : 自治体の再編と住民自治の再構築}, volume = {84}, year = {2004} }