@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005771, author = {Nakabayashi, Itsuki and 中林, 一樹}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {}, note = {1999年9月21日深夜に発生した台湾集集地震は、被害の規模とともに、地表に現れた変位に見る断層活動の激しさにおいて、20世紀のアジアを代表する地震災害のひとつである。この地震で変位した車龍捕断層は、台湾中部の主要都市の中心市街地の東側を南北方向に位置したため、中心市街地の直撃は避けられ、変位した断層近傍及び隆起した断層東部の農山村地域に被害が集中している。その他、地震動による高層集合住宅の被害も特徴的で、震度4程度の台北でも被害が出た。この地震での死者・不明者2,500人弱、全壊建物は52,000戸、半壊建物は54,000戸を超えた。また、震源域直上の山間部では、大規模な斜面崩壊が多発したのも特徴的であった。この地域に電力送電の重要施設が集中していたことから、全島的に電力支障が長期化した。この報告では、発災から45日後に行った現地調査を基礎に、被害の特徴とこの地震から東京をはじめとするわが国の震災対策への教訓と課題として、以下の7点を整理した。①断層の変位被害とその対策としての土地利用規制方策の検討②直下の地震による山間地の被害とその対応策の検討③既存不適格建築物の耐震改修の促進方策④被災者への緊急住宅対策の複線的あり方⑤緊急対応時の体制づくりと対応計画のあり方⑥地変した地域の復興計画の考え方⑦地域のつながり・家族の粋と防災まちづくりの重要性, The 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake is one of the biggest earthquake disaster in Asia of 20th Century. The 2,488 persons were killed and the 52,220 units of dwelling houses were collapsed. Moreover, people are surprised by finding the displacement gaps of fault on the ground surface of about 80km along the Cher-Lung-Pu Fault. In Shin-Kang Dam, the biggest fault rupture is observed. The south-east side of fault raised the dam about 9.6 meters and slipped 2.1 meters to left. On these Fault ruptures which are 3 meters high on an average, not only all of the buildings and constructions were collapsed, but also the most of roads were obstructed by them. In the west side of fault, there are many urban centers. In the east side of it, the suburban and rural regions are damaged heavily. The raptures made it difficult to reach the damaged areas from urban centers for relief and rescue(Fig.1). Near the fault scarps and upon the earthquake fault area, many buildings are also collapsed and damaged by shaking. The author visited the damaged areas in six weeks after the earthquake and learned various lessons for Tokyo's earthquake measures as follows; 1)Development of land use regulation system against the fault zone and of countermeasures for restoration of the rapture zone. One of the land use regulation systems is a Earthquake Fault Zoning Act in California. In Yokosuka-city, Japan, a previsional example is found in the case of suburban development. In this case,ho uses are constructed with the set-back of 25 meters from the fault line by the regulation of a district plan. 2)Counterrneasures for relief and rescue in the damaged area of mountain side, to where the roads are obstructed. In Tokyo, there is Tachikawa Fault in suburban regions. If this fault is motioned, the same situation shall happen as in Taiwan. There are many active fault in Japan. We have to prepare the response action plan beyond a fault. 3)Retro-fitting of existing buildings of the previous standard have to be promoted. Many people were killed by the collapse of houses, which are existing in spite of the structure under the previous standard. It is the most important but difficult issue to promote the retro-fitting measures. 4)Combinded countermeasures for temporary houses supply and other housing supports are noteworthy issues. In Tiwan, the only 5,500 units of temporary houses are planned for 13,300 persons though over 54,000 units of houses were collapsed. On the other hand, economic supports for house rent are accepted by over 293,000 persons. It is better to review at a time various measures of temporary houses, support of house rent and support of public house loans to be chosed. 5)Emergency response system of National Government must be learned. Taiwan National Government was responded more quick than Japanese National Government in the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. They announsed and were doing quick and steadly many measures not only for emergency response but also recovery and reconstruction measures. We have to learn many things. 6)Planning for reconstruction on both the fault ruptures hazard zones and the land slided areas of large scale is an important lesson for us. The reconstruction plans are being made in a period from a half year until one year after the Earthquake. It seems that there are many problems to be resolved and the plan making must be delayed. However, we have to study and to be learning the reconstruction ideas and planning issues, in comparison with Taiwan, Turkey, California and Japan., postprint}, pages = {117--133}, title = {921台湾集集地震災害の特徴と震災対策の課題}, volume = {72}, year = {2000} }