@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005737, author = {Kimura, Fumiko and Hagihara, Kiyoko and 木村, 富美子 and 萩原, 清子}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {}, note = {本研究では都市の清掃行政を地方公共財として捉え、公共経済学の観点から検討し、循環型都市環境へ向けての廃棄物処理行政のあり方を考察する。外部性がある場合は「市場の失敗」をもたらすため政府がその財を公共財として供給し財源には税収をあてる。財は公共財の観点からは純粋公共財、私的財、両者の中間財(準公共財)の3種類に分類できる。公共財はその性質により過大に供給される傾向がある。たとえば廃棄物処理が税金で賄われると一般住民にとっては実際の費用が実感されにくく、結果として廃棄物排出抑制への動機が乏しくなる。本報告では準公共財としての地方公共財を中心に検討する。ある財を共同使用するグループへの参入について排除原則が比較的安価に適用できる財をクラブ財という。便益享受のために土地占拠の必要性を排除手段としてクラブ財が供給されるとき、その財は「地方公共財」と呼ばれる。ティブーの「足による投票」は前提がかなり非現実的であるとの批判もあるが、地方分権の考え方にとっては重要な問題提起となった。共同使用財の物理的規模に応じて、中央政府、都道府県、市町村のどのレベルの政府が供給主体となるのが望ましいかを検討することができる。非競合性の強い公共財は中央政府、より競合的な公共財は地方レベルでの供給が望ましい。規模の経済性が大きく最適クラブ構成人員が社会全員を含む場合は、全国規模での供給が効率的であろう。中央政府の役割は容器包装リサイクル法や家電リサイクル法の制定など、環境費用を内部化する仕組みを作り、市場の失敗を補うことである。一方地方政府の役割は、具体的に対策を検討し、住民が容易に分別が実行できるように工夫し、排出抑制、リサイクルを生活の中に取り組み、実行に移すことである。清掃工場の無い地域では、他の地域との共同処理を行うことにより、双方が規模の経済の便益を享受することも可能となるであろう。このためにも情報の迅速な公表が望まれる。, It is a classic example of a market failure that the market might not fully capture the costs and benefits of a transaction. The extra costs and benefits not captured by the market transaction are called externalities. In a perfect market, natural resources are used up at an efficient rate. But when positive or negative externalities exist, markets will not provide an efficient outcome. With no price to provide the proper incentives for reduction of polluting activities, the inevitable result is excessive demands on the assimilative capacity of the environment. When “the failure of market" exists, government may have a role in the economy. Government may deal with environmental externalities by imposing regulatory measures (the command and control approach), taxes and granting subsidies, or issuing marketable permits. The theory of public expenditure deals with how the government should impose a tax to provide public goods. Musgrave and Samuelson assume two categories of goods: ordinary private consumption goods and collective consumption goods which all enjoy in common in the sense that each individual's consumption of such a good leads to no subtraction from any other individual's consumption of that good. For some public goods there may be no spatial restriction, but for others the benefits are confined to one community, although available at no additional cost to new residents. The theory of local public goods assume that goods are provided to a particular geographical location, and consumers decide their location with respect to the quantity and types of public goods provided. Tiebout suggested that if there were enough communities, individuals would reveal their true preference for public goods by the choice of community in which to live. This argument is based largely on the analogy with private goods. Municipal waste management policy is one of those local goods. These are several reasons why the central government may intervene: redistribution, Externalities, and correcting inefficiencies in the local public goods equilibrium. At the central government level, the design of policy is now constrained by the reactions both of individuals and of lower-level governments. The positive theory of local decision-making is therefore considerably important. The decision making process is relying on the majority voting assumption. Different voters have different views bout what the government should do. In some cases, the choice made in majority voting reflects the preferences of the median voter. Sources of public failure include imperfect information for designing and implementing programs. Therefore it is important to disclose the information, which the central and the lower-level government have. This research is supported by Grant-in-aid for Science Research 09680551, Ministry Of Education, Science, Sports and Culture., postprint}, pages = {51--61}, title = {東京都のごみ処理問題と地方公共財}, volume = {70}, year = {1999} }