@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005637, author = {Takabayashi, Koji and Hoshi, Tanji and Fujiwara, Yoshinori and Takahashi, Yuetsu and 高林, 幸司 and 星, 旦二 and 藤原, 佳典 and 高橋, 勇悦}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {}, note = {急速な高齢化が、大都市地域とりわけ都心地域を中心に著しく見られる。今後、大都市地域における高齢化はますます進行することが予測されており、高齢化対策の基盤整備が急務であるとともに、増加する高齢者の健康をいかに保持増進していくかが重要な課題となっている。東京都の健康水準は全国値からみても高水準ではあるが、死亡率を地域別にみると明確な格差がみられる。本稿では、客観的健康指標だけでなく、主観的にみた健康指標である主観的健康感(Subjective Health Status) に着目し、それらにも同様な地域格差があることを明らかにするために、東京23区在住の60歳以上75歳以下の高齢者を対象にした調査データを用いて分析・検討を行った。主な結果は以下の通りである。①主観的健康感には地域差がみられ、主観的健康感において健康であると答えた者は、男性では、都心地域、西部地域、北部地域でその割合が高く、西部地域の36.7%と東部地域の28.3%ではかなりの差が見られた。女性では特に南部地域でその割合が低かった。②学歴および収入と主観的健康感とは強い関連がみられ、学歴や収入の地域格差が主観的健康感の地域格差の重要な要因であることが示唆された。しかし、主観的健康感は社会参加や交友関係、家族関係などの社会的ネットワーク、日常生活動作能力(Activities of Daily Living, ADL)、現在の疾病の有無や通院状況など為さまざまな要因によって影響されるものであるため、今後、より多面的な分析が必要である。, The purpose of this study is to clarify regional differences of subjective health status and what factors are associated with those differences in the elderly who live in 23 wards of Tokyo. The Data from a survey in 1991 conducted by Center for Urban Studies was used in this analysis. The subjects were the random samples of non-institutionalized residents of Tokyo aged between over 60 years and under 75 years, and there were 4,607 responses (2,178 male; 2,429 female) for the response rate of 65.8%. We classified the 23 wards into 5 regions, Central, West, North, East, and South, in this study to clarify the regional differences of subjective health status. Results are follows: (1)Analysis of the data revealed that there was a distinct difference among 5 regions for both sexs. The rate those who self-rated as “very healthy" and “healthy" in male was higher in the region of Central, West, and North. And there was large difference between the region of West (36.7%) and East (28.3%). In female, the rate those who self-rated as “very healthy" and “healthy" was especially low in South region compared with other reglons. (2)Educational career and income were strongly correlated with subjective health Status. This fact shows that educational career and income are significant factors connected with regional differences of subjective health status in urban elderly. In addition, this study suggests that a cohort study about the regional differences of subjective health status in urban elderly is indispensable, and needs to involve other sociodemographic characteristics such as marital status, job, and social network for future analysis., postprint}, pages = {5--14}, title = {都市高齢者の主観的健康感}, volume = {63}, year = {1997} }