@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005537, author = {Nishikawa, Takao and 西川, 孝夫}, issue = {57}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {}, note = {今回の地震では考えられるあらゆる種類の被害が生じた。地震動(水平動、上下動とも)が非常に大きかったことは、疑い様も無い事実であろう。しかしその中で、現行の設計法はほぼ理念どおりの役割を果たしたと言えよう。しかしながら、現行の耐震設計法採用以降に建設された建物にも予測を超えた大きな被害を生じたものがあった。例えば、剛性、強度のアンバランスなピロティー構造の鉄筋コンクリート造建物の1階部分の崩壊や、杭に生じた損傷等に関して設計法の見直しの必要な部分もあることが分かった。また鉄骨造等の柱脚の問題、鉄骨や鉄筋の溶接等の品質管理の問題、鉄筋コンクリート造の帯筋の端部定着の問題等今後改善が必要とされることがらもかなり明確になった。これらのいずれも現行の設計、施工体系が完成した建物の総合的な耐震性能を把握しきれていないことに起因するものであると考えられる。また倒壊等深刻な建物被害は新耐震設計法以前のもの、いわゆる既存不適格建物に集中した。これらの多くは建設当初より当時の基準が要求していた耐震性のレベルに対して余力の少ないものであった。また老朽化あるいは不適切な施工による性能の劣化、低下がこれに重なり激しい被害を受けた建物も多く見られた。既存不適格建物は日本各地にいまだ数多く(1981年の基準法以前の建物が約2千万棟、その中ビル物が約3百万棟と言われている)現存していることから、それらの中から、耐震性に劣るものを見つけ出し、それら建物の耐震性を向上させるための方策が最も急がれる課題である。, Every kinds of structural damages that could be imagined were occured in the Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake. Damages occured in the middle story of buildings have not been experienced in our country. Especially britle failures of steel columns have never been expected until now. It is not doubtful that earthquake itself was very severe. Neverthless,it can be said that most of buildings designed by recent new seismic design code behaved safely during earthquake. But a few of those newly designed building were suffered severe damages. For example,those were the buildings that had unbalanced stiffness and strength alongside the height like soft first story type buildings. Those buildings suffered severe damages in the columns of the first story. In the first stage,it is necessary to look over again the design concept of the some part of the recent code. Ultimate seismic capacity of building which is designed under the present code can not be proved and also the real capacity of constructed building cannot be estimated. The present design code only gives the minimum requirement. And in the next stage,the performance design should be introduced in which the ultimate state of building under severe earthquake can be showed explicitly. The third person administration system also should be introduced in the construction procedure. Most of the very severe damages like totally collapse were concentrated in the old buildings that were designed by former design code. Causes of the damages of those disqualified buildings depend mainly on the little margin in the strength of the demanded strength by the old code. It is very urgent problem for the future expected strong earthquake to strengthen those buildings., postprint}, pages = {73--85}, title = {兵庫県南部地震における建物被害と今後の課題}, year = {1995} }