@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005504, author = {Hoshino, Shinya and 星野, 信也}, issue = {54}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {}, note = {住宅という商品は、その特性としてきわめて高価で、外部性があり、消費者が他の経済活動主体と競合関係に立たねばならない商品である。そのことが、住宅に関係するアクターをきわめて多様かつ複雑にしている。そもそも住宅政策の起源は、社会が目に見えない所得分配の大きな不平等は容認しながら、目に見える住宅分配の不平等は容認し難かったことにあり、それは社会福祉政策である以前に、住宅の外部性にかかわる環境政策なのである。およそ世界のどの国をとっても、住宅政策が普遍的かつ一律に住宅水準改善の方向に向かっているという保障はない。むしろどこでも目先の必要や世論に押されたその時その時の政策選択が、その都度いわば市場の働きと需要者の選好によって裏切られ続けた結果、次々と新しい政策が模索されてきたというべきである。要するに住宅政策は、基本的な社会的不平等はそのままにして外部に目立つ表面を糊塗しようとするものでしかないが、住宅をめぐるアクターの複雑さ、多様性、多面性が、まさにそうした小手先の方策を許さないということである。そのなかで、欧米諸国の住宅政策の基本的方向は、第1に、供給援助から需要援助への転換、第2に、特定の住宅所有形態に対する傾斜から、それに対して中立な政策への転換である。そしてこの2つの転換が可能にしたものが、需要者の選択の幅の拡大であり、それによる住み続けの機会の拡大であった。, Houses are unique commodities on three accounts. They are very expensive goods to buy. They have significant environmental effects. And they are something which consumers must compete with other actors in the market such as investors,developers,financial institutions,public authorities and others. Even they themselves may one day become suppliers rather than consumers. These characteristics make housing a very complex and many-sided social problems to be tackled with by public policies. Housing policies originated not from social policy objectives but from environmental policy objectives. People and policy makers are not so concerned even when a family is eating bread without milk and butter or wearing rags and worn-out shoes. However,they are quite concerned with a dilapidated house in which it lives. They are afraid that an ugly house may damage the image of the community and lower the value of houses. They can disregard disparities in household income but cannot afford big disparities in housing. Housing has always been one of the biggest public policy issues in industrialized countries in the world. But one cannot say housing standards have always been improving everywhere. Ad hoc housing policies adopted by governments after governments have usually been defeated by market forces and people's preferences so that governments have to find still some other policy measures to cope with. Complexities and varities of actors in the housing market do not allow meagre policy interventions to succeed. One can identify two major trends in housing policies in western countries. The first is a shift from assistance to housing supply to that to housing demand,and the second is a shift from policies which give preference to a specific housing tenure to those which are neutral to the pattern of housing tenure. It is these two trends that is bringing ‘staying put' within the reach of consumers' choice., postprint}, pages = {145--152}, title = {I 住宅政策の回顧と展望 : 調査の背景}, year = {1994} }