@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005424, author = {Yoshii, Hiroaki and 吉井, 博明}, issue = {47}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {Dec}, note = {最近、特にロマプリエータ地震以降、日本においては災害時のボランティア活動をどう活性化すべきかが大きな関心を呼んでいる。本稿では、この点での社会的論議が活発になされているイタリアを取り上げ、防災体制の現状のレビュー、防災ボランティアの位置づけ、防災ボランティアの概況、代表的ボランティア団体の活動実態について検討した。特に興味深い点は、ボランティアを防災体制の一部として明確に位置づけ、保険や経済的補償の制度化をはかる一方で、役割や指揮系統の明確化、訓練の義務づけがなされつつある点である。このような論議は、日本における防災ボランティアの推進を検討する上で大いに役立つと考えられる。, Relief activities by voluntary groups are one of the most important problems in disaster period. Many Japanese,specially emergency response planners have had a great concern since Roma Prieta Earthquake in 1989. In Italy a full discussion on what roles should be assigned to voluntary groups in the disaster period and how to augument their response capabilities have been done since 1980's. And now the regislative system to promote voluntary relief activities has been established. It includes not only insurance systems and economic compensation mechanism to reduce burdens of volunteers who want to participate relief activities but also obligations of voluntary groups such as regislation,coordination,exercises and so on. In this paper discussions on relief activities of voluntary groups in Italy are reviewed and present activities of voluntary groups for disaster relief are explained. The lessons to be learnt in Japan are also discussed., postprint}, pages = {121--133}, title = {イタリアの防災体制とボランティアの役割}, year = {1992} }