@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005421, author = {Ohmachi, Tatsuo and 大町, 達夫}, issue = {47}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究は、東京の学校地震防災体制について、その現状を調査し改善の手がかりを見つけようとしたものである。現状分析には、1988年から1990年にかけて実施した3つのアンケート調査を用いた。これらは先ず、被害経験、災害危険度、防災活動度などに違いのある1都10県の298校から得た防災体制に関する回答、次は東京都23区のうち17区役所から得た防災指導に関する回答、最後は東京都23区内の全小中学校のうち686校から得た最近の地震被害に関する回答である。これらの調査によれば、東京の学校防災体制は全国平均よりも高いレベルにある。特に公立小・中学校では区からの指導もあって防災訓練に力点を置き、毎月1回以上実施している学校も少なくない。一方、危険防止対策は全国平均よりも低いレベルで、実際、震度4程度の地震でも大田区や世田谷区では10%以上の学校で被害が発生している。また、避難地に指定されている学校は約40%もあり、避難住民の安全確保を学校に期待している自治体職員は多い。しかし、避難地に指定されている学校と指定されていない学校とで、防災体制の現状に違いは見られない。要するに、東京の学校では、学内の危険防止対策にもっと積極的に取り組む必要がある。, Recently,earthquake environments in the Metropolitan Tokyo area are getting worse. Experts have often being announced that the Tokai earthquake and the Southern Kanto earthquake are imminent to occur,and that in the event of one of the earthquakes,Tokyo will be siverely damaged with an overwhelming number of life loss. To look for clues to improve earthquake preparedness level of schools in Tokyo area,quantitative evaluation of the present state of disaster preparedness has been attempted through three questionnaire surveys conducted during 1988 and 1990. In the first two surveys,samples were selected from various parts of Japan in reference to recent disaster experiences,potential natural hazards,and activity in disaster preparedness. Results of the surveys were analyzed,mainly focused on five categories consisting of (A) hazard reduction,(B) drills,(C) immediate response,(D) communication,and (E) post-earthquake sheltering. In the third survey,samples were all the primary and secondary schools in 23 wards of Tokyo,and school damage due to recent moderate earthquakes was investigated. Major conclusions of the present study follow. 1. On an average,earthquake preparedness level of schools in Tokyo is higher than that of other prefectures. 2. In Tokyo,school preparedness is mainly focused on drills conducted as often as once a month,which has resulted from ward initiatives. 3. In some wards such as Ota and Setagaya,more than 10% of the schools have suffered property damage by recent earthquake shakings of JMA intensity 4 (moderate shaking). 4. About 40% of schools in number are assigned to evacuation areas. Though most officials expect that such schools are more liable for safety of evacuee,little difference in the preparedness level can be seen between the schools assigned and not assigned to evacuation areas. 5. The effort to reduce school hazards is poorer in Tokyo than in other prefectures. The effort should be more encouraged urgently to meet the earthquake environments in and around Tokyo., postprint}, pages = {77--89}, title = {東京の学校地震防災体制の現状と課題}, year = {1992} }