@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005359, author = {Ohmachi, Tatsuo and 大町, 達夫}, issue = {41}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {Feb}, note = {筆者が,最近2年間実施してきた地震防災教育の実例を紹介する。これは,大学院の必修科目の一環として専攻の修士課程1年の全学生約30名に課しているものである。この授業では約1ヵ月間合計4回で東京工業大学の地震対策案づくりを行う。大学院学生の自尊心と能力を信頼しほとんど全部の作業は学生の主体性に任せているので,教官が直接関与するのは最初と最後だけと言ってよい。すなわち,最初の授業では,このための適切な動機付けをする目的で感動的なビデオを見せたのち,実施方法の概略を説明し,作業を開始させる。学生は,作業班の分担内容に従って独自に調査をして問題点を見いだし,ワープロ仕上げの報告書を作成する。この報告書の冒頭には,大学への提言が簡潔にまとめられている。学生はこの報告書を携えて,大岡山キャンパスと長津田キャンパスの各最高責任者,すなわち学長と総合理工学研究科長へ請願に行き提言を説明する。この説明会でも主体は学生であるので,担当教官は単なる仲介者,あるいはオブザーバーの役割を果たすだけである。, In recent years,many university students have become the victim of disastrous earthquakes such as the 1987 Whittier Narrows,U.S.A. earthquake and the 1990 Philippine earthquake. To mitigate earthquake damage to life and facilities,much effort for earthquake preparedness should be made on each part of a university. This paper describes a practical example of earthquake preparedness education which has been provided for graduate students by the author. The education is done as part of a compulsory subject for graduate students of the Department of Environmental Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology. It consists of one month' s lessons,of two and quarter hours a day and of one day a week. Actually,however,the lessons are not provided in classrooms,but are learned through voluntary-work. In the first place,the students are shown an impressive 15-minute video tape which deals with actual earthquake disaster followed by various rescue activities. After motivated by the tape,they are requested to make an earthquake preparedness program for two campuses where they usually spend most of their time. With their agreement on the request,the students are proposed the following procedure,which is to be assumed by them. 1) Separate all students into two campus groups. 2) Outline the essential features of the programs. 3) Allot a portion of the related work to each student. 4) Investigate the state of the campuses and discuss with others. 5) Find effective measures to reduce seismic vulnerability. 6) Make typed-reports which contain important proposals. 7) Meet with president and dean to petition early implementation of the proposals. Through two years' experience,the above procedure was found to work well. The students' reports included proposals of mitigation of campus hazards,planning for evacuation and emergency communication,enhancement of earthquake awareness,and first-aid activities. Fortunately,as a result of repercussions,use has been made of the reports at different levels of the Institute., postprint}, pages = {59--67}, title = {大学院の地震防災教育}, year = {1991} }