@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005356, author = {Miyano, Michio and Mochizuki, Toshio and 宮野, 道雄 and 望月, 利男}, issue = {41}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {Feb}, note = {1946年南海地震の被害追跡調査結果に基づき,和歌山県新宮市の延焼火災被災地区における人的被害と避難等の人間行動について検討を加えた。新宮市では出火点がーヵ所であり,同時多発火災のような混乱が生じなかった。また,火災の拡大がゆるやかであったため,広域避難行動も行いやすかったと考えられる。調査により得られた死亡原因別内訳によれば,延焼地区においても焼死と断定できるのではなく,家屋倒壊による圧死が多かった。死者の属性別の死亡率をみれば,男性では高齢者において高く,女性では全年齢にわたってほぼ等しくやや高い値を示した。, The Nankai Earthquake occurred at 4 : 19 a.m. on December 21st,1946,with am agnitude of 8.1. This presentation addresses the loss of human life,and behavioral response to the spreading fire in Shingu City in Wakayama prefecture. Immediately after the earthquake in Shingu City as preading fire burned for sixteen hours,until 8:00 p.m. The death toll reached fifty-eight. 600 houses collapsed and 2398 burned down. From an anlysis of data collected the following conclusions are noted: (1) In Shingu City the earthquake fire originated in only one place and there was no evidence of confusion or panic,which usually occurs when there are simultaneous fires. (2) Few people thought evacuation was delayed. Even though the fire lasted 16 hours,there were evidently different evacuation time periods for various areas. (3) During the earthquake men tended to escape immediately while women didn't. The larger the explosion the more evacuation behavior can be seen. As heavy furniture,such as dressers fell,confusion occurred inside the houses and evacuation was disturbed. (4) A wide range of evacuation behavior occurred by family unit. Due to the early morning hour of the earthquake,almost all family members were at home to organize toward the evacuation. (5) Many evacuees chose the kumano Rivir,which was in the northern area of the fire,as an evacuation point. (6) Many of the evacuees carried numerous personal belongings. Some moved back and forth between home and the evacuation point in order to save their property. (7) Those whose houses were extensively damaged were delayed in their evacuation attempts. (8) People trapped under collapsed houses was a primary cause of death. (9) Among men the death toll of the elderly was highest. In contrast to the men,women of all age groups had similar death rates. However,among the women,the elderly and children had slightly higher death rates., postprint}, pages = {27--35}, title = {1946年南海地震の被害追跡調査 : 延焼火災発生地区における人的被害と人間行動}, year = {1991} }