@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005175, author = {Mochizuki, Toshio and Taniguchi, Hitoshi and Taniuchi, Yukihisa and 望月, 利男 and 谷口, 仁士 and 谷内, 幸久}, issue = {37}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {}, note = {筆者らはこれまでの震災対策に欠けていた激震時の人間行動についての実証的資料を得,大地震時における人的被害を低減するための防災対策の立案に資する事を目的に,第二次世界大戦の敗戦前後に相次いで発生した震度VIIクラスの大被害地震における人間行動や人的被害などに関する被害追跡調査を行ってきた。今回は1945年三河地震(M7.1)により最も大きな被害を被った西三河地方の6市町に在住の被災者を対象にした調査から,夜間に発生した大地震における人間行動と人的被害についての検討を行った。以下に主な結果を示す。(1) 地震の揺れ最中行動と負傷発生の関係は弱者保護や避難口確保,出火防止など被害の拡大を抑制する行動を行った者の方が,建物の外に飛び出す行動をした者より負傷率が高くなっている。(2) 調査地域全体の死者率は4.6%,死傷者率は13.8%であった。これは,昼間に発生した1948年福井地震に較べ死者率,死傷者率とも約2倍であり,地震が発生した時間の影響が強く表れている。(3) 死傷者の約70%は揺れの最中に死傷している。また,死傷の原因は約80%が家屋倒壊によるものであり,1948年福井地震に較べ家屋倒壊による死傷者が約20%多くなっている。, To reduce casualties from earthquakes through better disaster preparedness measures,we have conducted fact finding surveys of destructive earthquakes (intensity VII [I_=10.0]) that occurred one after another before and after the end of world war II. We obtained factual data on human behavior during strong shaking,so far not considered in earthquake conter-measures Through a questionnaire to people who actually experienced the 1945 Mikawa Earthquake (3 : 3 8 a.m., January 13,M 7.1),we inquired into casualties and human behavior caused by as trong earthquake during the night. The following became clear: 1) Close-by the seismic fault and the surrounding alluvial planin,the ratio of completely collapsed dwellings was extremely high,in some areas it exceeded 65 %. This ratio was also high for those among them were destroyed very rapidly. 2) About 70 % of the people indoors,regardless of sex distinction,rushed outside in the midst of the shaking. But from the buildings that were destroyed rapidly,only half as many people were able to rush outside. 3) That those remaining inside during the shaking-regardless of sex distinction-performed only an average 1.3 actions,shows that behavior in the midst of shaking was fairly restricted. 4) Those taking action to protect children and elderly,to secure emergecy exits,or to prevent fires and spreading of damage,were injured at a higher rate than those who rushed out of buildings. Among the former,more women than men were injured,especially those in their twenties and thirties. 5) This survey placed the death ratio at 4.6% and the casualty ratio at 13.8%. This is more than twice the 2.2% death ratio and 4.0% higher than the 9.9% casualty ratio recorded for the 1948 Fukui Earthquake which occurred during the daytime,showing the effect of the earthquake occurring in the middle of the night. 6) The casualty ratio was high among children ages 5-9 and the elderly in their sixties or older. But the casualty ratio of children under five was lower than of those between 5 and 9,indicating that they were protected by people around them. 7) 70% of the deaths and injuries occurred during the shaking,and 20% after the shaking had calmed down. 80% of deaths and injuries were caused by collapsing buildings,between 10% and 20% more than in the 1948 Fukui Earthquake., postprint}, pages = {193--235}, title = {1945年三河地震被害追跡調査 : 夜間の激震時における人間行動と人的被害}, year = {1989} }