@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005123, author = {Mochizuki, Toshio and Hayasaka, Shuichi and 望月, 利男 and 早坂, 修一}, issue = {32}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {}, note = {昭和23年福井地震(M=7.3)は我園地震史上,画期的な出来事であった。すなわち,この地震を境として我国の地震災害の態様が,それ以前と以後では全く変貌してしまった感がある。しかし,この時に設けられた我国の最高震度階7は,その後,今日に至るまで全く記録されていない。福井地震は,沖積平野地域を震央とする大地震である。規模はそれに比べてM=6.9と,かなり小さいが,このタイプの地震が東京直下で発生したのが,1855年の安政江戸地震である。この地震で東京下町の広範囲がここにいう震度7級の大被害をうけたことは確かである。ところで,比較的最近の被害地震のいかなる被災集中地域においでさえ,さして耐震的とも思えない老朽化した旧構法の木造建物群が,高い比率で人間の生死にかかわるほどの被害状況に至ったとの見聞はない。このような事実から,筆者らは,上記の2つの地震等に比肩しうるような強地震が最近,起こっていないのではないかと考えている。従って,現状では予知が,ほとんど期待できないと言われているM7級の地震が沖積平野の大都市の直下等で発生すれば,耐力壁式であっても,老朽化している建物群(一般に比較的最近の建物の耐久性は,大黒柱式等の旧構法のそれに比べ劣っていると考えられる)は震度7に相当する大被害をうける可能性が高い。本研究は,そのような物的被害事象下における人間行動と死傷に至るプロセスを実証的に明らかにしようとした。結果的に,激震下における老朽家屋にあっては,早急に屋外に飛び出す方が,むしろ安全であるとさえいえそうである。いずれにしろ, 「激しい揺れ最中は,家から出るな,じっとしているよう」といった画一的な防災教育は,必ずしも適切でないように思われる。発生後,約40年を経た地震ではあるが,激震時の被害(物的・人的)・人間行動などを,科学的に追及しうることを実証した意義,ならびにその成果は,将来の大地震対策を考えるうえで,きわめて大きいと考えている。, An investigation was carried out in the damaged area of the 1948 Fukui Earthquake in order to understand human behaviour and factors affecting casualties in cantastrophic quake circumstances. The ground motion during the Fukui Earthquake was so destructive that seismic intensity of seven (I≧10.0 by MSK) was defined as the new highest grade on the Japanese scale after the event. Extended fires,which were the last earthquake generated ones in urbanized areas in Japan,occurred in Fukui. Damage statistics of 4,000 deaths and 36,000 collapsed and 4,000 burned down houses were reported. METHODS After preliminary trial tests,we carried out a systematic survey by means of questionaires and interviews in the summers of 1984 and 1985 paying special attention to the epicentral regions because of the time lapse of almost forty years. We selected 570 respondents who had experienced the shock in the focused regions and who were in their twenties at that time CONCLUDING REMARKS 1) The complete collapse ratio of dwelling houses was 55 % in the surveyed areas. 2) More than 60% of the people who had been indoors before the earthquake rushed out of the buildings (this rate: male > female,in homes > in other buildings) 3) Mean number of possible actions by each respondent was only about 1.0 during shaking (from multiple answers),that is, human behavior was conspicuously restricted under catastrophic quake circumstances. 4) Generally,people in their thirties acted to prevent further destruction of their surroundings. Particularly,women in their twenties and thirties tried actively to put out fires and protct their little children in their homes, etc. This contributed to high casualty rate among those women. 5) Causalty rates were high in groups of little children,the aged and above stated age and sex groups, however, we found no distinction by sex for the whole group. 6) The death and casualty rates of the people who were surveyed in this study were about 2.2 % and 9.9%,respectively. Casualties were mainly caused by the collapse of dwelling structures. From the several investigations on the recent earthquakes in Japan,the upper bounds of casualty rates have been in the order of 0.1% and 1.0% for the range of 1 JMA = 5 and 6,respectively. From the aforementioned point of view,it is recognized that casualty rates rise one order for every increase of on JMA scale step. 7) Behavior immediately after the quake,especially the rescuing of persons under collapsed structures,removing all kinds of obstacles in and/or around structures and surroundings,etc,was affected by situations of heavy damage. 8) Many persons seriously wounded their legs,e.g bone fracturesand cracks. Moreover,we recognized that in many cases the injured including the above stated victims had difficulties in moving by themselves. Thus,unless adequate relief operations are provided,many seriously wounded persons will die in the case of a great earthquake fire. Use can be made of the results obtained here in re-examining the recent studies and countermeasures developed to reduce human cansualties in earthquakes., postprint}, pages = {37--58}, title = {激震時における人間行動と人的被害 : 1948年福井地震}, year = {1987} }