@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005047, author = {Matsuda, Iware and Hanai, Tokuho and Mochizuki, Toshio and 松田, 磐余 and 花井, 徳寶 and 望月, 利男}, issue = {23}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {}, note = {昭和57年に発生した長崎豪雨災害と台風10号災害の人的被害を検討した。長崎豪雨は比較的狭い地域に3時間雨量で30mm, 24時間雨量で500mmをそれぞれ越える豪雨をもたらし,死者は長崎県,とくに長崎市に集中した。被害の原因は,土砂災害によるものが圧倒的に多く,死者全体(299名)の約88%を占めた。台風10号による豪雨は広域に亘り,死者は13府県で発生している。この災害でも死者の原因では土砂災害が多く,死者全体(82名)の68%を占めたが,レジャー中などの他の原因によるものも多かった。長崎豪雨災害については,長崎市内の全壊家屋居住者の行動と被害の実態を明らかにし,老幼年者や女性の死亡率が高いことを指摘した。最後に,総合的対策という点から,人的被害を軽減するための諸問題について言及した。, Some characteristics of loss of life in the Nagasaki Heavy Rain of July 23 and the Tenth Typhoon of August 1,1982 were as follows: (1) Geologic hazards brought the most serious damage to human life; that is,about 88% of the fatalities were caused by debrisflows or landslips following heavy rain in Nagasaki and 68% during the heavy rain of the Tenth Typhoon in the central part of Japan; (2) The fatality rates of infants and the aged were very high; (3) Fatality rate of women was higher than that for men; (4) Evacuation was determined to be the most effective measure in reducing fatalities,but residents are not to take refuge unless they are ordered to evacuate or they sense a real danger. Taking into account these characteristics,the authors discussed comprehensive measures to counter geologic hazards. They pointed out that ① control of increase in damage potential,② designation of areas prone to be damaged and ③ preparedness for disaster are indispensable to reducing the number of deaths., postprint}, pages = {107--115}, title = {長崎豪雨災害と台風8210号災害による人的被害と対策上の諸問題}, year = {1984} }