@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004776, author = {Nakano, Takamasa and 中野, 尊正}, issue = {11}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {Dec}, note = {宮域県沖地震による仙台市域の被害について,本学の研究グループをはじめ,数多くの個人,団体が詳しい調査をおこなった。2年後の今日,これら震災調査について若干の問題を指橋し,今後の研究の発開に資することとした。問題点は下記のとおりである。1. 仙台地域の被害は,今後の都市地域の震災の典型を考えるうえで,貴重な事例ではあるが,すべてを代表するとは必らずしもいえない。2 調査結果が,防災行政にどのように使用されるかについての研究がない。3. 現在必要なことは,個別的な調査だけではなく,被害軽減策の立案のためそれらの成果が総合化されることである。4. 調査研究にあたって,被害の地域性と歴史性に注目すべきである。5. 現行の地域防災計画及びその立案の基礎となる研究計画の再検討が必要である。, Detailed studies on damages incurred from Miyagiken-oki Earthquake in 1978,particularly on damages and socio-economic disturbances occurred in Sendai city,have been the subject of study here at the Centre for Urban Studies,as well as many other interested specialists and organizations. In this paper,the following problems are discussed based on two years investigations conducted by various organizations. 1. Discussions of the damages in the Sendai area are thought to be useful for the purpose of investigative research with the view of future damage in other urban areas of Japan. However, the Sendai example is seen as only one such example of urban disaster. 2. No study on the utilization of research results for disaster prevention administration has been carried out. 3. It is important to carry out the studies on individual and specific topics,as well as the synthesization of the research results for disaster mitigation. 4. Attention should also be drawn to the regionality and recurrency of disasters. 5. Re-examination of present plans for regional disaster prevention and research projects to be used as the basis for prevention planning should be considered., postprint}, pages = {3--8}, title = {震災の調査研究に関する若干の問題}, year = {1980} }