@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004719, author = {Tamura, Toshikazu and Abe, Takashi and Miyagi, Toyohiko and 田村, 俊和 and 阿部, 隆 and 宮城, 豊彦}, issue = {5}, journal = {総合都市研究}, month = {}, note = {1960年頃から全国各地の都市近郊丘陵地で,大規模な人工的地形改変をともなう宅地造成が盛んになったが,そのような宅造地の最初の地震被害が今回仙台周辺で発生した。仙台周辺は,宅地造成にともなう丘陵地の人工的地形改変が日本で最も著しい地域の1つである。小論では,この地域の宅地造成による地形改変状況とそこで発生した被害のタイプや規模とを整理し,このような土地に発生する地震被害およびその発生機構の類型化を試みた。次いで,その知見を各地の類似の土地での地震災害危険度調査等に生かす方策を,東京西郊多摩丘陵を例にとって若干検討した。これらを通じて,単に防災施策の改善をめざすだけでなく,丘陵地における都市的土地利用のあり方を根本的に考え直す方向をさぐりたい。, Housing sites constructed upon the artificially reformed hill-lands have undergone the first serious damage by an earthquake on June 12th, 1978, in the Sendai area in Northeastern Japan. The hill-zone around Sendai City is one of the most intensely modified lands with residential development in Japan. The earthquake,with a magnitude of 7.4 and its epicenter located about 120km east of Sendai,brought an intense shock with a maximum horizontal ground velocity of 250gals or more in the residential districts in the hills around Sendai. Various types of damage,including landslides and land subsidence in filled zones and formation of cracks in the ground near the boundaries between filled and cut zones,were described and the causes of them were discussed in relation to the modes of artificial landform alteration. The results can be applied to the estimation of earthquake disasters in similarly prepared residential districts in the hills around many other cities. It was tentatively practiced in the Tama Hills,west of Tokyo. These investigatigations should be utilized not only for the technical improvement for disaster prevention but also for the reexamination of urban and suburban land-use in the hills of Japan., postprint}, pages = {115--131}, title = {丘陵地の宅地造成と地震被害 : 1978年宮城県沖地震の被害を例として}, year = {1978} }