@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004189, author = {マスイ, ユキエ and ナカガワ, タケシ and ゴンドウ, ヤスユキ and オガワ, マドカ and イシオカ, ヨシコ and タツヒラ, ユキコ and イケベ, カズノリ and カミデ, ケイ and アライ, ヤスミチ and タカハシ, リュウタロウ and Masui, Yukie and Nakagawa, Takeshi and Gondo, Yasuyuki and Ogawa, Madoka and Ishioka, Yoshiko and Tatsuhira, Yukiko and Ikebe, Kazunori and Kamide, Kei and Arai, Yasumichi and Takahashi, Ryutaro and 増井, 幸恵 and 中川, 威 and 権藤, 恭之 and 小川, まどか and 石岡, 良子 and 立平, 起子 and 池邉, 一典 and 神出, 計 and 新井, 康通 and 高橋, 龍太郎}, issue = {1}, journal = {老年社会科学}, month = {}, note = {日本版老年的超越質問紙の改訂版(Japanese Gerotranscendence Scale Revised;JGS-R)を作成し,その妥当性と信頼性を検討した.JGS-Rを地域在住高齢者1,973人に実施し,欠損のないデータ(n=1,831,女性52.3%,年齢範囲69~81歳)を用いて確認的因子分析を行った.その結果,最終的なモデルの適合度(GFI=.95;AGFI=.93;RMSEA=.044)は十分に高く,JGSと同様の因子構造が確認された.再検査信頼性は,インターネット調査モニター(n=344,女性50%,年齢範囲49~79歳)のデータを用いて検討した.調査間隔1か月のJGS-Rの8つの下位尺度の再検査信頼性はr=.55~.83であった.一方,内的一貫性の低い下位因子もあった.これらの結果から,JGS-Rには一定の妥当性および信頼性が確認されたが,尺度のさらなる検討の必要性も示唆された., The purpose of this study was to create a modified version of the Japanese Gerotranscendence Scale (Masui et al,,2010),and to determine the validity and reliability of the Japanese Gerotranscendence Scale Revised: JGS-R). JGS-R consists of eight factors based on the original items of JGS. A questionnaire survey was administered to 1,973 community-dwelling older adults in Japan using the JGS-R. After excluding missing values, we analyzed the data (n=1831; 52.3% women; aged 69-81) utilizing a confirmatory factor analysis. The results showed that with the hypothesized eight-factor structure, the model of the 27 items, after deletion of items with low factor loadings, demonstrated a high goodness of fit (GFI=.95 AGFI=.93 RMSEA=.044). Furthermore, we found the same factor structures as the original scale. We also collected data (n=344,50.0% women;aged 49-71)via an online survey tool to examine the test-retest reliability of JGS-R. The test-retest reliability of the eight subordinate factors of JGS-R with a one-month interval was adequate at r=.55~.83 but internal consistency of a few of the 34 subordinate factors of JGS-R were low. It is concluded that JGS-R has validity and reliability at a certain level, but that there should be further improvement for items of subordinate scales., 首都大学東京学位論文乙第86号 副論文}, pages = {49--59}, title = {日本版老年的超越質問紙改訂版の妥当性および信頼性の検討}, volume = {35}, year = {2013} }