@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002929, author = {オクムラ, コウジ and Okumura, Koji}, issue = {31}, journal = {Geographical Reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University}, month = {}, note = {Tephrochronology of Akan, Kutcharo and intercalating exotic marker tephras innovated the chronology and correlation of Middle to Late Pleistocene marine terraces in eastern Hokkaido. The vertical displacement of M1 and older paleoshorelines along the Okhotsk Sea indicates two distinctive uplift zones of Abashiri and Shiretoko. On the Pacific coast, respective gentle eastward tilting and westward bending in the east and in the west of Abashiri tectonic line evidence active thrusting beneath. The westward shift of the Kurile forearc sliver accounts for the thrusting at the Abashiri tectonic line in the outer Kurile arc and the growth of dextral en échelon ridges in the inner arc.}, pages = {19--26}, title = {Tephrochronology, correlation, and deformation of marine terraces in eastern hokkaido, japan}, year = {1996} }