@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002899, author = {カンノ, ヒロミツ and Kanno, Hiromitsu}, issue = {27}, journal = {Geographical Reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University}, month = {}, note = {The seasonal variations of stratification and distribution of air masses in the Arctic and the middle and high latitudes in the eastern part of the Eurasian Continent were examined. The Arctic, the eastern part of the Eurasian Continent, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the Bering Sea were selected for the important airmass source regions. By using the seasonal variations of airmass stratifications, which tend to be changed simultaneously, the year 1985 was divided into five stages. The schematic models of air masses and frontal zones in each stage-stage I: late October to late February, stage II: early March to the first half of April, stage III: second half of April to early June, stage IV: mid-June to late August, stage V: early September to mid-October-are presented.}, pages = {91--136}, title = {Seasonal variations of air masses in the arctic and in the middle and high latitudes of the eastern part of the eurasian continent}, year = {1992} }