@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002871, author = {ヒラカワ, カズオミ and Hirakawa, Kazuomi}, issue = {25}, journal = {Geographical Reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University}, month = {}, note = {Permafrost environment during the Last Glacial in East and North Hokkaido was examined on the basis of monthly air temperature, the freezing and thawing indicies, and ice wedge casts, comparing them with fossil pollen evidence. The assumed annual mean temperature -8℃ is in great disagreement with field evidence in East Hokkaido. The annual mean temperature ca. -2℃ appears to be more reasonable. Continuous permafrost environment seems to have never occurred in East and North Hokkaido, or northernmost Japan, but discontinuous permafrost under the forest tundra occurred even in the coldest period of the Last Glacial. Ice wedge polygons could be formed under the discontinuous permafrost environment with extraordinarily cold winter, which characterized the climate of northernmost Japan.}, pages = {155--165}, title = {Permafrost environment during the last glacial in east and north hokkaido, northernmost japan}, year = {1990} }