@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002823, author = {ナカノ, タカマサ and マツダ, イワレ and タカハシ, ユタカ and Nakano, Takamasa and Matsuda, Iware and Takahashi, Yutaka}, issue = {21}, journal = {Geographical Reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University}, month = {}, note = {Flood hazards associated with rapid urbanization in the Tsurumi River Basin is discussed. It is shown that changes of hydrological and socio-economic conditions in the river basin increase flood hazards. This paper also outlines the integrated measures to mitigate flood hazards in an urban area and proposes the strategies for floodplain management. The necessity of socio-economic adjustment to flood hazards is emphasized in order to avoid the risk of limitation of technological adjustment.}, pages = {261--273}, title = {Floodplain management : a general discussion based on regional studies}, year = {1986} }