@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002325, author = {ササキ, テツロウ and ホリコシ, カズオ and Sasaki, Tetsuro and Horikoshi, Kazuo and 佐々木, 哲朗 and 堀越, 和夫}, issue = {33}, journal = {小笠原研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {南硫黄島周辺海域において、貝類、甲殻類および魚類の動物相調査を行った。同定作業は継続中であるが、現在までに27科53種の貝類、4科9種の甲殻類、22科63種の魚類を確認した。確認種は南硫黄島からの新記録種を多数含むが、多くは小笠原群島にも分布する種で占められていた。, The fauna of mollusca, crustaceans and fish were investigated around the coastal waters of the Minami-Iwo-To Island. Although the identification work has not been completed yet, a total of 53 species of mollusca of 27 families, nine species of crustaceans of four families, 63 species offish of 22 families were recorded so far. Many species were found as new records from the Minami-Iwo-To Island, however, most of them were reported from the Ogasawara Island Group.}, pages = {155--171}, title = {南硫黄島の海洋生物(<特集>南硫黄2007)}, year = {2008} }