@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002080, author = {タカハシ, ミサノリ and イナガキ, キョウスケ and Takahashi, Misanori and Inagaki, Kyousuke and 高橋, 勅徳 and 稲垣, 京輔}, journal = {経営と制度}, month = {Feb}, note = {In the industrial cluster research, previous research have found rich findings from empirical study―synergy from competitive and cooperative relationship, using of embedded knowledge, strength of mutual learning and regional entrepreneur creating platform. However, these findings are not arranged under theoretical foundation. Organizational fields and institutional context are expected to arrange theses findings theoretically. In this paper, we presented industrial Cluster can analyze as relational practice evoked by industrial policy, and actors have find out self-interests and agency within the Industrial policies as an institutional context. Under this analytical perspective, we describe case of Ogimachi Creative Cluster at Osaka city., postprint}, pages = {25--46}, title = {我が国における産業クラスター政策の推進による組織フィールドの形成 : 大阪市扇町界隈における扇町クリエイティブ・クラスターの形成}, volume = {13}, year = {2015} }