@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000162, author = {平尾, 利行 and HIRAO, Ricoh and 竹井, 仁 and TAKEI, Hitoshi and 佐久間, 孝志 and SAKUMA, Takashi and 妹尾, 賢和 and SENOO, Yoshikazu and 近藤, 貴揚 and KONDO, Takaaki}, issue = {2}, journal = {理学療法科学}, month = {}, note = {[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the amount of load that best facilitates the measurement of obturatorius muscle activity by MRI. [Subjects] Eleven healthy males participated in this study. [Methods] The obturatorius internus, the obturatorius externus, the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius and the sartorius muscles were examined using MRI. The MR signal intensity was compared before and after two different concentric isokinetic hip external rotation exercises: high load at 60°/sec and no load at 500°/sec. [Results] In the 60°/sec exercise, the signal intensities of the obturatorius internus, the obturatorius externus, the gluteus medius and the sartorius muscles were significantly higher after the exercise than before the exercise. In the 500°/sec exercise, the signal intensities of the obturatorius internus, the obturatorius externus and the sartorius muscles were significantly higher after the exercise than before the exercise. [Conclusion] Slow angular velocity isokinetic exercise with high load as well as no-load rapid angular velocity isokinetic exercise is effective at eliciting activity of the obturatorius muscle., 〔目的〕閉鎖筋の筋活動を賦活するのに適した運動負荷を検討すること.〔対象〕腰部および下肢に器質的疾患を持たない成人男性11名とした.〔方法〕高負荷の課題1(60°/sec)と無負荷の課題2(500°/sec)における等速性股関節外旋運動前後で,MRIのT2強調画像から内閉鎖筋,外閉鎖筋,大殿筋,中殿筋,縫工筋のMR信号強度率を抽出し比較した.〔結果〕抽出された課題1において内閉鎖筋,外閉鎖筋,中殿筋,縫工筋で,課題2において内閉鎖筋,外閉鎖筋,縫工筋で,運動前に比べ運動後にMR信号強度率が有意に上昇した.〔結語〕速筋線維を多く含む閉鎖筋に対しては,高負荷のみならず無負荷の運動も筋活動を得ることを可能にすると考える., 東京都立大学学位論文乙第258号 副論文}, pages = {297--302}, title = {磁気共鳴画像法(MRI)を用いた閉鎖筋の筋活動分析}, volume = {31}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ヒラオ, リコウ and タケイ, ヒトシ and サクマ, タカシ and セノオ, ヨシカズ and コンドウ, タカアキ} }