@article{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010089, author = {ウラベ, タカコ and タカオ, ヨシアキ and Urabe, Takako and Takao, Yoshiaki and 卜部, 貴子 and 高尾, 義明}, journal = {経済経営研究, Journal of Business Administration and Economics}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to explore constructs helpful to discover measures for middle-aged and senior employees to recover their work motivation after its decline. Interviews on work motivation with employees in their 50s and 60s were conducted and analyzed using the Trajectory Equifinality Model(TEM). TEM is a qualitative research method that enables an derstanding of life without discarding time.It also focuses on process rather than structure.Two constructs are extracted from the analysis: job crafting and adaptive resignation. Adaptive resignation refers to a positive attitude that accepts the negative aspects of oneself and one's situation as they are, but does not dwell on them. Results showed that older employees engaged in job crafting based on adaptive resignation and that it helped recover their work motivation.}, pages = {47--66}, title = {ミドル・シニア社員のワークモチベーション回復・維持のプロセス : 適応的諦観を土台にしたジョブ・クラフティングの効果}, volume = {5}, year = {2023} }