@misc{oai:tokyo-metro-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007881, author = {イノウエ, マサヒデ and 井上, 真秀}, month = {Mar}, note = {発症早期脳血管障害患者に対する側方ウェッジを用いた非麻痺側へのリーチ練習が,立位バランスや動作能力に及ぼす効果を検証した.研究デザインは,評価者を盲検化し損傷側で層化したランダム化比較試験とした.介入は,壁を背にした立位における非麻痺側へのリーチ練習とし,介入群は非麻痺側を5゜挙上したウェッジ上で,コントロール群は平面上で行った.その結果,介入群はコントロール群と比較して主要アウトカムであるBerg Balance Scaleに変化を認めなかったが,二次アウトカムである安静立位と非麻痺側体重移動課題の非麻痺側荷重比,およびFunctional Ambulation Categoryが有意に向上した.発症早期脳血管障害患者における側方ウェッジを用いた非麻痺側へのリーチ練習は,非麻痺側への体重移動能力と歩行能力を短期的に改善させることが示唆された., [Background and aims] Lateral weight shifting is an important factor related to walking ability and risk of falling in patients with stroke. Patients with acute stroke demonstrate a deficiency in shifting their weight to the nonparetic side. It was reported that the center of foot pressure is displaced forward after a standing exercise on an upward slope. However, the effects of standing weight-shifting exercise to the nonparetic side in acute stroke are unclear. The purpose of this study was to clarify whether standing reaching exercise to the nonparetic side on a lateral wedge affects the standing balance and gait ability of patients with acute stroke.[Methods] This study was an assessor-blinded, randomized controlled trial. Participants were randomly assigned to the experimental group or the control group. The intervention was lateral reaching exercise to the nonparetic side in a standing position, with the nonparetic side on a lateral wedge that is 5° elevated from the flat plane . Reaching exercise was conducted 30 times per day, 5 days per week. The main outcome was the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) score. The secondary outcomes were force-platform data, Trunk Control Test, Trunk Impairment Scale, Functional Ambulation Category (FAC), and Functional Independent Measure-motor.[Results] Both groups showed significant improvement after the intervention in the BBS score; however, there were no significant differences between groups. The lateral weight-shifting capacity to the nonparetic side and the FAC changes were significantly higher in the experimental group than in controls (p<0. 05). The other outcomes were not significantly different between the 2 groups.[Conclusion] Our results suggest that standing reaching exercise to the nonparetic side on a lateral wedge may improve the lateral weight-shifting capacity and gait ability of patients with acute stroke., 首都大学東京, 2019-03-25, 修士(理学療法学)}, title = {発症早期脳血管障害患者における立位バランス能力に対する側方ウェッジの効果 : ランダム化比較試験による予備的検討}, year = {2019} }